Me, I'm really not so good at keeping up the blogging. So, I'm going to try to catch up the bulk of 2009 in one post - think it can be done?? Here goes nothing...
Springtime fun!! We had one of the soggiest springs in recent memory, which really set the planting schedule back by almost a month! So, while we were waiting to get into the field, we had some fun by going to the park, making a trip to the zoo and flying a kite with Dad. Also, Wyatt turned TWO on the 29th of March. Like mommas everywhere, I'm asking where did the time go??? Here's just a few shots of the fun...

Come summertime, the crops were barely standing knee high, but we were on a roll. Harvey, my father in law, has two antique tractors that he's very proud of. One is a John Deere 630 that he bought fully restored when Wyatt was born - I suppose to commemorate the event of the birth of his first grandchild. The second, a Case 400, he restored over the summer. Dwight figured since his dad was so proud of them, it was only right to show them off. By summer's end, Wyatt and Dwight drove the John Deere in three different hometown parades. Wyatt now loves to wave at anybody and everybody, and can drive a tractor no problem.
We also found time to go to the zoo again, this time with my nephews, sister in law Stephanie, my parents and my sister Caitlin. Much fun was had by all of us, petting the animals, riding the zoo train and petting the stingrays. That was probably my favorite part of the whole day.
Dwight and I also got to go on a mini vacation - a float trip down the Courtois River with our good friends Rudy and Keri and by brother and sister and law. As with all good float trips, the end of the float was a little fuzzy, I had mysterious bruises, and it rained. We all laughed at Dwight's way of combatting the rain - what resulted in our "hillbilly RV" :) But Dwight and I stayed snug and dry!

We finished the summer by attending the steam engine show in Pinckneyville, IL. Wyatt is fascinated by the big machinery, and it was neat to see a slice of the past. We just don't appreciate how nice it is to just jump in a tractor and get to work.
So, that's just a few things we did through 2009. Looking forward to what the rest of the year brings...