Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Down on the Farm

Since the farms are such a big part of our lives, I thought I'd give a glimpse of some everyday happenings.

As you all know, alternative energy has been a hot button issue in recent politics. Funny thing is, this sign is over 15 years old.

Our main source of income is the thoroughbred racehorse training. Here's Dwight on one of our recent graduates, Marvan. Gorgeous, isn't he? The horse, I mean.

And recently, we added breeding to our program, standing not one, but four stallions at High Prairie (if you want more info on that, visit the farm's website at Here are a couple of the babies.

And what would a farm be without a dog or two. This is Sissy, my sister's dog. She's one lucky critter - had a fascination with moving tires at a young age, got up close and personal with a few, and lived to tell the tale.

And to top it all off, we are rewarded with views like this almost everyday. A constant reminder of why we chose the life that we did.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Awesome! I love that you're a blogger too now. It's such a great way for me to keep up with your life! I love the last picture by the way it's a framer!